Monday, September 29, 2008


Hey guys Taylor got a new puppy(blame Mark) just kidding he is great he is a min pin/chichuachua and his name is chico he is x-tremely small and fragile we are trying to make sure she has to remember and she has to care for him and take him out,feed him,clean him, etc. Other than that he is adorable. pictures are coming soon!


The Williams said...

LUCKY!I want another dog but not until we sell the house

BellyBoatBum said...

I'm still waiting for those adorable pictures of that pinchi! We just got a dachshund to go with our pinchi. They love to chase each other around the yard at top speed. You would be surprised how fast a dachshund can run when they want to.
Maybe I can post some video this weekend of them running.